In my last blog, Sparks of Energy Blossom Into Healing, I wrote about a meditation in which I was given affirmations. Actually, I stated the affirmations when certain questions were posed. This happened during a deep Journey meditation, I was able to work with higher aspects of myself and channel fear energy into something positive. The result is a prayer that addressed the current energy in my life.

Creating your own personal prayer or affirmation is simple. You can take any want, need, desire or statement and refocus it with positivity. The ability to do this enhances your spiritual growth by addressing the present issues.

My guides told me, “Be present and courageous. Write things for people, they need to know how to direct themselves, and trust is an issue. You will teach others to trust themselves, it will happen.”

I did not feel confident about this idea, my guide told me, “Be in touch with your soul, ask what the desire is, state the desire to your guides and watch for the result. You have spoken this to many, and you use this discipline at times, but it must be made a practice, not a random reference.”

I am beginning this suggestion by showing you how I created my most recent prayer. It is encouraged by questions that I was asked, but you can use your own questions, or any energy that you wish to heal.

My request, “Father, Mother, God/Goddess, Creator, Source of All That Is, please help me to integrate a gift from each lifetime or experience that I am shown. Please help me to receive and attune to these energies and lessons. I allow only pure Christ Consciousness Light, thank you and amen.”

To be in prayer form, it became:

I honor myself and gratefully accept help, guidance, love and support from pure Christ Consciousness Light beings. I am present and open to understanding my personal motivation in all situations. Please help me to integrate gifts from each lifetime or experience that I have known. Please help me to receive and attune to these energies and lessons. I allow only pure Christ Consciousness Light.

My guide asked, “How would you like to use this info?”

My answer, “I ask for help in service and expanse through all safe and secure channels, including my own speaking and writing and teaching. Thank you and amen.”

In prayer form:

I honor myself and gratefully accept help, guidance, love and support from pure Christ Consciousness Light beings. I am present and open to understanding my personal motivation in all situations. Please help me to integrate gifts from each lifetime or experience that I have known. Please help me to receive and attune to these energies and lessons. I allow only pure Christ Consciousness Light.

When asked about principles, “I offer myself is service through the highest accordance of Light, with integrity, peace, ease and comfort. I ask for help with divine timing, giving and receiving, healing and being healed.”

This remained the same:

I offer myself is service through the highest accordance of Light, with integrity, peace, ease and comfort. I ask for help with divine timing, giving and receiving, healing and being healed.

“Yes. What opinion do you have?”

Scared, I reply, “I ask for help in understanding, releasing judgment and using my own senses to help myself and others in the Third Dimension. I ask that my knowledge, wisdom and understanding be present with my intelligence and memory, and that I always be guided by the highest resources or Divine Light of the I Am Presence.”

This also remained the same:

I ask for help in understanding, releasing judgment and using my own senses to help myself and others in the Third Dimension. I ask that my knowledge, wisdom and understanding be present with my intelligence and memory, and that I always be guided by the highest resources or Divine Light of the I Am Presence.

You can see that my verbiage changed when I realized the flow. I was being shown that my questions create energy, actually generate energy. With that reality, I felt hyper aware of the responsibility of being a conscious creator. This enabled me to be in surrender, which is in contrast to the control I usually feel is needed in life. Whew, what a relief! The power (or empowerment) to create without having to worry about details. Through this prayer I am searching for alignment with all that I Am while honoring my choice to incarnate, experience and learn.

When I attempted to name this prayer, I went through a series of thoughts. My guide mentioned energy blossoming in prayer, that certainly felt right. There were the questions; healing, choice, principles, opinions, maybe a name should be formed from those words. Finally, it occurred to me that I was creating myself through the healing this prayer offers.

This is the complete prayer:



As I Create Myself (12-2012)

I honor myself and gratefully accept help, guidance, love and support from pure Christ Consciousness Light beings. I am present and open to understanding my personal motivation in all situations. Please help me to integrate gifts from each lifetime or experience that I have known. Please help me to receive and attune to these energies and lessons. I allow only pure Christ Consciousness Light.

I ask for help in service and expanse through all safe and secure channels, including my own speaking and writing and teaching.

I offer myself is service through the highest accordance of Light, with integrity, peace, ease and comfort. I ask for help with divine timing, giving and receiving, healing and being healed.

I ask for help in understanding, releasing judgment and using my own senses to help myself and others in the Third Dimension. I ask that my knowledge, wisdom and understanding be present with my intelligence and memory, and that I always be guided by the highest resources or Divine Light of the I Am Presence.

Thank you and Amen.



lightBLOG(c) by Holly Burger of, please share with credits

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