Holly’s books are available through!

Divine Accordance
AKA: Holly’s Big Book. The is the mother of Pocket Prayer Book. The back story of how Holly learned to be clear enough to hear her spiritual guides, Light Beings, Angels, Ascended Masters, etc. At nearly three-hundred pages, Divine Accordance offers a guided tour of healing, clearing and adjusting to the energy influx that is happening now.
Through fifty+ prayers and exercises, Holly offers a journey of healing. Learn to manifest the life you want; live with peace, ease and comfort.
This book is available for two reasons. Well, maybe three. It began with a prayer. The first prayer I wrote was Discord Prayer, which is in Chapter Eight. I was struggling with a friendship, and as I typed at my computer (journaling about my complaints) poetic words came through. The Discord Prayer poured out of me with such unconditional love that I knew it came from somewhere else. It felt like a gift and it healed me. I deeply needed guidance the day I heard the Discord Prayer and the words became a treasure. When I shared the prayer with a friend, the feedback was positive. Remember my sensitivity from the past; I would never have continued writing or channeling without positive feedback. I crave the type of personality that sweeps rejection aside and plows through adversity. I unfortunately have not found it… yet. (page 11, Divine Accordance)

Pocket Prayer Book
This little book is 5″ x 8″ and has 74 pages of 50+ prayers and exercises. Holly began receiving prayers in 2001. This collection is perfect for anyone wishing to learn more about setting sacred space, vertical alignment, energy clearing, release and integration.
Circulated for years as a small(er) book, Holly has sold nearly 1000 copies. As of 2017, PPB is available on Amazon, as a paperback or via Kindle. If you purchase a paperback version, a Kindle copy is discounted.