Transmuting Anger – Where you born to do it?
This is a long read. I want you to know that so that you can ready yourself. Give yourself a few minutes to align with what has been given to me, and to you. I promise you won’t regret it. We are healing. As beings, as families, as societies. You, me, we have a...
A Little Trip to Wal-Mart
One Sunday, I went to Walmart, knowing that going on a weekend was just not a great idea. (Let’s get this out of the way: I shop at Walmart. I like/love other stores, but I live rural, and WM is the closest place that meets many of my needs. I support local, mom &...
Prayer for Freedom from Trespass
This prayer is for each of you who have been trespassed upon no matter how small the trespass. We are affected by words. If you are extremely sensitive, you might even be affected by thoughts. Those who have serious abuse, please
Deepening My Gratitudes
After years of living Ho’oponopono/Gratitude, studying the Universal gratitude vacuum and practicing until I could roll off a list of gratitudes like a drill sergeant just barked the command, I have learned something new. Here it is:
Speaking what you think you should be grateful for isn’t enough. So when I say, “I am grateful for the trees, sky, seasons, sun, planet, friends, family, pets, love, light, guides, Creator, excellent health, water, animals, money, clients, kindness, income, home, shelter, warm blankets, clothing, food, fruit, utensils, pens, paper, art supplies, scissors, phones, cars, transportation, tools…” it does not have the effect of what you will learn next.
Eclipse Energy 2017
You have accomplished and learned lessons that make you an important part of future Earth. Your work may be to find stillness and sit. Appreciate every mountain you have climbed, every rock you have clung to in desperation while old ideas released. Remember when you cleaned up family dynamics? Or you loved someone through their process?
Healer … Healing Thyself (Divine Accordance Excerpt p. 216)
However, until it’s all about love, we will keep learning how to honor and appreciate ourselves until we wake up one morning, bow before the mirror, kneel before poverty and serve our peers; which, don’t forget, are us. We are One.
Feeling Stressed? Read this…
My book Divine Accordance is a 300-page, completely thorough resource for how I healed and opened to receive communication from my guides. But I don’t want you to suffer, so here are some tried and true things you can do to make life feel better:
Divine Accordance Book Give-Away!!!
Hello Friends, is hosting a give-away for me! I hope you will enter to win. Thank you, giving is so fun. <3 Many blessings to you, Holly Goodreads Book Giveaway Divine Accordance by Holly Burger Giveaway ends June 04, 2017. See the giveaway details at...
When Planets are in Retrograde You Can Prevail!
Find a chair in your ethereal library, sit and ask for what you want. Ground, let your Divine Knowledge flow through you and into Earth. You are here to heal things. Things like you, and Earth, and the multitudes of wrong. Give your Light and love to Gaia. Be the Lightworker you were born to be and through that dedication you will find that Mercury is a reminder to be thoughtful instead of a threat of disaster.