Dear Lightworkers,

Many of us are gathering in groups, forming communities, and connecting. The following was written for a community gathering in 2009. I feel it as a prayer, words bringing forth energy that expands to Source and grounds to Earth, but it is written as a visualization.

Feel free to alter, change and align these words to work for you.

Many blessings, much love,




Ground and Connect with Light

Imagine an orange tree. The bark is smooth, the leaves dark green. Think about the roots that feel into the Earth, our mother, Gaia. Feel how the tree is supported by Gaia.

(Your community) supports you in this way. As it supports you, you grow. You ground deeper into the Earth and, like an orange tree, you bear fruit. The fruit you bear is what you give. You give your knowledge, your advice, your talent, your abilities and healing.

As you grow you are blessed from above. Source, from high above is like the Sun nourishing an orange tree. As the orange tree absorbs Light, it flourishes.

As (your community) feeds you from below, supporting and holding you in the world; you grow. As (your community) networks, signals are sent everywhere that your fruit is abundant and for sharing. Think of the orange tree, ripe fruit falling, each orange holding something you offer.

As the fruit is consumed, as your knowledge is absorbed, you are continually blessed. You receive, through the gratitude and love that blooms with each orange that is consumed. Each precious gem that you offer results in growth in your community, from giving and receiving; from the balance, honor, grace and integrity that you offer.

You are all of these things, what you bring forward is your fruit. You are supported, held and honored. Your teaching, what you offer the world, the fruit that falls to Earth is also honored. And if that fruit falls to the ground forgotten, it is fed anew to Earth, to the mother. It is the fertilizer of life. It will bless you again.

Forge forth on your Divine path, feel the support you have created. Offer your gifts and talents; receive the blessings you have created.

Ask your Lighted guides and magical angels to dissolve any resistance you have that stops you from learning from another’s fruit; ask them to release any resistance you might have to bearing your own fruit.

Remind yourself, I am a Divine Lighted Being. I give and receive openly. I offer, welcome, walk and talk with Light. I am open and ready to embrace my perfect, divine expression as teacher and student.

Thank you and Amen.
Thank you and Amen.
Thank you and Amen.

(Holly Burger, permission to copy with credits,, 2009©)



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