Vision. That’s the word that comes to me when I ask about 2019. Clairvoyant means clear vision, but I don’t think it is clairvoyance that will give me the type of vision I would like for 2019. I want to expand my consciousness around the idea of possibility. What can I dream up? What can I expand?

And: what limitations can I leave behind?

You may know that we listed our home in September 2018. We had an immediate contract, which fell through. Since, we have been waiting for that special person to buy our house. There have been lookers, and positive feedback, but not “the one”.

I have helped clients in this situation many times. We look at energy from different perspectives. One view might be attachment; energy tightly wound around something. Price can be discussed, as well as value. Each component has an energy. There are influences from each side: buyer and seller. If there is a divine plan for the seller, there might be a delay so that what is coming has time to arrive. The buyer might not be looking yet, possibly feeling an inkling that will be realized soon.

I have applied my knowledge to my situation, and what a frustrating venture that is! My husband and I said from the beginning that we didn’t want to move in the winter. That removes many months. A contract in October might close in December. We took the house off the market December 15th and will resume soon.

When I ask my guides, “What now?”, I feel impatient. I have utilized my own abilities, hired others to help, and feel the energy is wide open for a buyer and a new adventure. Waiting isn’t my strongest virtue. My personality/human design/MBTI is made for planning. Creating. And…. ah, I see: Vision.

How can I use vision to create the future?

Here are a few issues. I don’t want to learn the hard way. I don’t want to be unhappy. I want/choose peace, ease and comfort. I do not want to move into a house I don’t or won’t like. I don’t want to move twice. I don’t want to spend too much money. I don’t want to have allergies to anything in or near the house. I don’t want spiders/alligators/mice in the house. Or yard, if you’re a gater. I want easy access to Colorado if we move to another state.

There’s more, but as you can see I have quite a few “don’t wants”. We know, per psychology, that the subconscious creates from positive statements. I have mind-mapped and soul mapped my new desires. I have affirmed and meditated consistently about this huge life change. Where is the energy off?

Years ago, 2010 I believe, a tree fell on our house. It was enormous, bigger than the insurance company had seen. The silver maple clipped the corner of our kitchen damaging the roof, trusses and exterior. I could not believe it happened. I called a friend who did energy work on land and property. I needed to clear what pushed that tree; I felt desperate and my meditations were a mess from worrying about how to deal with everything.

She said, “Holly, sometimes a tree just falls.”


She assured me that this was simply an act of nature. Within days, the Universe started showing me a few things. What shingles shall you pick? I hadn’t thought about it, I never liked the old t-locks that were greenish gray, but replacing a good roof is not reasonable. What about siding? The current siding is no longer made.

The tree gave us a new exterior. After everything was done, our house value increased. My level of happiness was exponentially amplified when the aesthetics pleased me. The old siding was actually pretty ugly…

In hindsight, I feel gratitude. Now I want to move. The past shows me that I must visualize, dream and be active to create what I want, but also, I must surrender. Stay out of the way so that my High Self can manifest while I do what I can to clear the path. Meanwhile, I think of how grateful I am that this house has given my family so much… and attempt to be patient.

What does the 2019 offer you? What can you dream up? What words come to mind when you ask about the energy that will help you most in 2019?

For me, my house is for sale. We are planning to travel and explore. I am still writing, painting, creating. My first fiction book will be published! Changes will happen. My choice: peace, ease and comfort. Love. Happiness. Expansion.

Through all that you create in this coming year, I wish you the easiest learning, the best rewards, as well as everything through the lens of your heart.

With gratitude,


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