Prayer for Freedom from Trespass

This prayer is for each of you who have been trespassed upon no matter how small the trespass. We are affected by words. If you are extremely sensitive, you might even be affected by thoughts. Those who have serious abuse, please

Deepening My Gratitudes

After years of living Ho’oponopono/Gratitude, studying the Universal gratitude vacuum and practicing until I could roll off a list of gratitudes like a drill sergeant just barked the command, I have learned something new. Here it is:

Speaking what you think you should be grateful for isn’t enough. So when I say, “I am grateful for the trees, sky, seasons, sun, planet, friends, family, pets, love, light, guides, Creator, excellent health, water, animals, money, clients, kindness, income, home, shelter, warm blankets, clothing, food, fruit, utensils, pens, paper, art supplies, scissors, phones, cars, transportation, tools…” it does not have the effect of what you will learn next.

When Planets are in Retrograde You Can Prevail!

Find a chair in your ethereal library, sit and ask for what you want. Ground, let your Divine Knowledge flow through you and into Earth. You are here to heal things. Things like you, and Earth, and the multitudes of wrong. Give your Light and love to Gaia. Be the Lightworker you were born to be and through that dedication you will find that Mercury is a reminder to be thoughtful instead of a threat of disaster.