I wonder why I am so calm. I wonder why I am not tired.

These are exact thoughts that I had this morning. Yesterday my husband and I went on a day long road trip in a convertible, a mental health trip. We decided to drive to the beach. It was a lovely day, not too hot. Beaches and state parks are closed here due to Covid-19. We knew going in that this was an exploration, not a destination trip.

After two or so hours of driving, we saw an open beach in north Daytona and took a walk on the sand. People are social distancing so there was virtually no interaction between us and the people we encountered. Next, we drove north along the famous highway A1A. We reached St. Augustine and stopped for a walk around an old fort just to get out of the car for a minute and eat a bite. Afterward, we took a direct route home. All in we were gone about around seven hours.

And I wasn’t tired. In the past I remember being exhausted after driving to the grocery store. Why? Why didn’t a day of being in the sun, getting windblown, walking on shifting sand and riding make me tired? I sat pondering this and what it’s like being sequestered. Quarantined. Told to stay home, don’t touch my face, wear gloves or not, wear masks or not, wash my hand which I do anyway.

I have spent more than a month avoiding people, skipping errands and not being my extroverted self. Although I hear that showers are optional now, I am taking time for self-care. Except make-up. I may have forgotten how to apply it. My choices have changed, why do certain things if you aren’t going anywhere. Sleep later; I may have hit 8am one day, not an easy feat for an early riser. Sit and stare at nature longer, there’s nowhere to go.

All of a sudden I am like a spring that has given up it’s tension. I am a puddle. Mushy. Calm. Easy.

My mind doesn’t quite understand because wasn’t I calm before? Didn’t I relax before? I think I did. But then what is this new thing? This new type of watching?

As your energy connections calm, they lie quietly and then begin to dissolve. Cording is a term used to explain an energy connection between one entity and another.  Let’s imagine that every thought has a level of connection. Use a scale of 1-100 to qualify thoughts. A mild, passing thought might be an 11, while an angry aggressive thought might be a 40. A spoken thought, up around 70. Aggressive, projected and loud words in the 90s.

Sentient beings are progressing. Psychic awareness is moving into the forefront as both a desire and trait. Children are born with the gifts their parents have. Humanity is progressing.

This progression brings heightened awareness. As a being receives information through their clairscentience, they become antenna. This antenna is open to receive. Receive what exactly?

And send exactly what? Think about all those numbers. We are emitting and receiving all day every day. This is important. You probably don’t want to receive someone’s doubt, but if you are open you might. You may not want someone’s judgment (whether it’s about you, themselves or someone else). The lower level frequencies can be shaken off like dust; the higher the number, the harder to release. Ask yourself: What clears you? What releases all the energy bouncing around out there from your energy fields?

One thing we know: vacation does the soul good. Get away from your home, job, family, bills, obligations, or whatever and you begin to feel better. When we leave our troubles behind they dry up.

And that is what Spirit sends today. A message about cleansing ourselves. I have been blessed by this calm, clearing span of time. My system has unwound, disconnected and relaxed. Cords have fallen forgotten and disintegrated into dust. I am free of things I never knew encumbered me.

Why were these things there? After all the clearing and meditating and healing? Mostly habit. My habitual technique of connecting with people. I am laughing, because these are old lessons. Spirit reminds me to feel my environment, get comfortable before I send feelers out to people. That lesson is in Divine Accordance. I have done it so many times, but still I find myself would up like spool of thread. Around and around until I can’t move. I didn’t even know. I didn‘t know I was tired until I found myself not tired.

We have to look deeper. Covid-19 and the actions our communities are taking bring opportunities. Light has descended upon us. More Light than we are used to, more than we expected. This is the time. Now is the opportunity to change old habits. Reroute old thinking and stand among peers while we upgrade.

New systems are at hand. Tread lightly with your meditations, check every Light and be resilient with your integrity. You are likely to feel new energies. These can be uncomfortable if you are not clearing out the old. Take time to really feel into the relaxing moments. Apply this to your personal activity. Look for positive thoughts and feel them through your being. When you think negatively, ask yourself if that thought is a habit. If so, give yourself a nice pardon and a new habit. A kinder, more generous habit.

I wish you blessings of good health, peaceful release and profound integrations.




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