You have likely heard me mention my practice of Ho’oponopono. In short, it is a Hawaiian technique to clear negative energy. For more than ten years I have used this technique personally and practiced twice monthly with two friends via conference call. What makes Ho’op (as my friends and I call it) unique, is that you clear only yourself and you work only with Creator; in Ho’op speak: Divinity. Ho’oponopono people call it “cleaning”.
If someone hits you and you want to clear aggression, you would clean like this: Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry for anytime I hit or express aggression with violence.
There is no one else to clear, just you. A prominent saying in Ho’op is, “Peace begins with me.” With Ho’oponopono, you bypass the ego and any affect the outside world has upon you. One takes full responsibility for creation. All creation, every single thing that you see, feel or hear.
The ability to work with this technique did not come to me easily. I struggled with thoughts about being responsible for sex slaves, rape, murder and starvation. Early on, I was inundated with emotion to the point of incapacitation. I couldn’t move, I could only cry and feel. When I was strong enough, I lifted myself above the blanket of empathy and feeling. I decided that I wouldn’t get stuck when I could be doing.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to anytime I have raped someone, in this lifetime or any other.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to anytime I have hurt anyone or taken another life.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to anytime I have withheld food from anyone or participated in causing starvation.
Ho’oponopono is not easy. It’s hard to always say I am the cause. As much as spiritual people practice not being victims, it is nearly impossible to avoid thinking that things happen to us.
During my last Ho’op call, my cleaning pals told me, “Blog about that.” I said:
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to feeling alone in a battle against hate, fear, loss of integrity, missing truth, corruption, control, emotional bankruptcy and physical bankruptcy.
It seems fitting at add gratitude to such complaints. So my Ho’op friends and I add a gratitude list either at the end or after each statement. Here I added:
I am grateful for spiritual awareness and tools. I am especially grateful for tools against evil—the ability to ignore the “wagging dog” and the puppets. I am also grateful for patience during change.
I am a practicing member of the almighty Facebook. I see the memes, complaints, venting. I read both sides of anger, accusations and projection. Also, I pay attention to what Spiritual Guides tell people during sessions. I have never found an Ascended Master, Archangel or guide of any type to have a political view. Here are some things people have been told when they ask about politics:
-If you wish for the highest and best decisions, send Light to the Oval Office through the Divine Light of the I Am Presence.
-Everything happening right now has a reason that you will know in the future.
-The ego system of one person has more affect upon you that it does your country. Be guarded about using hatred as a tool, it does not have the impact you desire.
-There are those that stand and use their voice and those that use energy. Knowing who you are and how to use your tools is imperative for the balance you desire.
-There is polarity imposed upon your nation. By participating in this polarity, you enable the controlling factors free reign over you. If you wish to prevent this, stop looking left and right, look up and become aware. Sometimes, being seen is the first step to exposure.
-Negativity is its own breakfast.
-Loving one and other has a much higher impact than hating. You may hate an action, but be careful where you place the weapon of hate. It is like housing a skunk, the stench remains long after the animal has vacated.
It is the same message over and over, with no bias. No support for either political party. Each being, even someone dark and malicious is seen as redeemable and a child of the Light. Spiritual beings forgive and offer the opportunity to change. Imagine if we all prayed for angels to whisper to every politician, “Choose for the highest outcome.” That, or something better, through the Divine Light of the I Am Presence. Thank you and Amen.
In service,
PS: I am, in my truth, a passive political participant. I don’t shout, profess, encourage or plead my beliefs upon anyone. However, there are those that do and this writing does not claim that someone who feels called to take action shouldn’t. By all means, follow your path. Follow your heart and truth. Just please, take your guides with you. Talk to the people that will listen. Postulating is effective to the proper audience, and in that way you can gain momentum for your vision of a better future.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to when I complain with an energy equal to the hatred I witness.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to when I add to the problem because I am angry.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to when I assume the person who caused a problem can’t fix it.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to when I make decisions that hurt others.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to when I project and blame anyone for the world I live in when I know I am a Divine Creator and the change I want begins with me.
Thank you, I love you, please forgive me, I am sorry to anytime I forget that I am a powerful manifestor and I can make positive changes in a positive way.
(Feel free to share this, or any lightBLOG by Holly Burger with credits included. Thank you.)