
by | Dec 18, 2010 | 0 comments

Spiritually Managing Political Views

Spiritually Managing Political Views

-Negativity is its own breakfast. -Loving one and other has a much higher impact than hating. You may hate an action, but be careful where you place the weapon of hate. It is like housing a skunk, the stench remains long after the animal has vacated.

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Valentine’s Day, What is it?

Everything resides within you. And no matter who or how someone loves you, it is the integrity of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within you that holds the true power to love.

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Will 2017 be a Spiritual Year?

Prepare yourself, no matter where you are on your path, you may be the teacher. Someone you know might be suffering with “pancaked” energy and not even realize that they can manifest an easier life by practicing a few simple spiritual concepts.

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Opposition is a trick of the dark.

Balance resides in the middle and any time you lean to much one way or another, you reach imbalance. That is the exact time dark forces (for lack of a better term) pour an influx of energy into the cause.

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How to Prepare for Phone Sessions

My lesson: I work with energy. Energy doesn’t have time, space or dimension. Once I released my fear, judgment and insecurity, phone readings were born. For me, anyway.

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Feel Good Pop-Up Events is Born

Feel Good Pop-Up Events is Born

Like a flower, FGPU opened from a simple idea, to give something away. If you offer something free to your clients, and several other people do the same, you will end up with a room full of people receiving. The energy is incredible.

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