Viruses, Truth and Light

“Information is good. Truth is even better. Keep in mind that YOU have a filter. You can use your personal recognition of truth and you can call in your guides to ask for their filters. We need to know, we excel when we have knowledge. However, we need truth. Not perceptions. Not surmises. Light works with truth and everything else is malleable.”

Make 2020 Your Best Year Ever

What is your gift? I don’t even know my gifts all that well. We don’t have a spiritual gift dictionary, and if there were such a thing, how would it cover the vast array of multi-dimensional, trey-universal, extra, unknown healing possibilities known and unknown? You’re that vast. That extraordinary.

The Adjustment

…dark times. My mind has a bad habit of going from elated to crash. It’s unreasonable, erratic and most importantly: painful. Just before I began channeling, or hearing my guides clearly and understanding how to set Sacred Space and stay in my vertical Light, I nearly died. I emotionally crashed so badly that I had to be rescued; twice. The comeback was…