Toxic Energy/People and The Discord Prayer

You are taking responsibility and cleaning up your space. You demand peace, ease and comfort from everyone and everything. You are putting on your ethereal boxing gloves and kicking some energetic booty. Right? Aren’t you ready to be the Divine Light that you are?

When Planets are in Retrograde You Can Prevail!

Find a chair in your ethereal library, sit and ask for what you want. Ground, let your Divine Knowledge flow through you and into Earth. You are here to heal things. Things like you, and Earth, and the multitudes of wrong. Give your Light and love to Gaia. Be the Lightworker you were born to be and through that dedication you will find that Mercury is a reminder to be thoughtful instead of a threat of disaster.

Summer Energy Challenges

Peace. Peace is not only an act, it is a walk. To be angry diverts your energy, even if you are angry about a horrific story. If you feel anger, step into it and let emotion move it out like a wave of water. Feel anger, try not to store it. Feel it fully and completely the way you would a mouth full of your favorite food. Storing it for later brings rotten results. When anger leaves, you can concentrate on walking in peace once again.

Everything’s Causing Me Problems

-Pray. It’s like putting a cake in the oven. Words left for Source turn into healing. Ingredients left in the oven turn into cake.
-You have heard it a million times: meditate. Raise your frequency and be in that Divine flow of Light that is everything you know in every cell of your body.