I wrote, worked, prayed and channeled for sixteen years before I decided to stop denying the “other” part of myself. Raw & Real exposes me in a new way. It makes me vulnerable. And to be honest, I am not quite comfortable with it. Not yet.

Join me in this journey. I look forward to your feedback.


What I hear…

If you have been keeping up with me on Social Media, then you know that I moved to a lake house in Florida. My husband retired and he wanted to live on the water. We are blessed with birds, wildlife, and very special trees. I am not retired. In fact, I am very close...

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The Hail Mary (Entity) Pass 

In the end there is only you and Source/God/Goddess/I Am. (Which is all one, right?) Everyone else is a moment of experience that you are creating. Don’t let those creations be negative projections. We can examine details closely, but must do it free of judgment or we are perpetuating the negative energy. 

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How to Deal with our Political Climate

“What we battle isn’t the ego of who sits on the White House throne. What we battle is the loss of our own ability to learn. We battle the diminishment of humanity. How else to rule? There are entities that want to be served. Who better to serve than a minion that earns their bread? (Metaphor alert: Learn to cook your own hypothetical bread.)”

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Decree of Life, Second Time Around

…In any form, I choose Light, the essence of the I Am, over all other choices…No matter how far I must climb, I will find the high road. This means, no matter the difficultly, I will live in Light and truth versus suffering, lies, guilt, shame or greed…My (energetic) cleanliness, clears the divine path, for I Am the voice of God/Goddess, therefore I commit to be free of negative entities, thought forms, implants, isolations, influences and outcomes…

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Quarantine Healing

I wonder why I am so calm. I wonder why I am not tired. These are exact thoughts that I had this morning. Yesterday my husband and I went on a day long road trip in a convertible, a mental health trip. We decided to drive to the beach. It was a lovely day, not too...

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Crisis Survival (Covid-19 and Lightwork)

These inner contemplations are efforts in and of themselves. They still you and vibrate at a higher frequency. If suspicion, worry of fear guide you attempt stillness and make requests of your guides. Ask for help in releasing fear, anxiety, worry, sleeplessness. Ask to be healed and freed of negative influences. Focus and learning more about your Light.

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