
Dear Friend,

Since I was very young, I have felt the need to pour my thoughts onto paper. In this section of my website you will find stories that I have chosen because they were learning experiences for me.

Some are healings, some are stories I received in readings or meditation.

I would love your feedback if you are touched in any way.

Many blessings,


Me & Patricia Cota-Robles, August 2013-

After an amazing experience I wrote about the World Congress on Illumination. Read it!

Holly’s ThetaHealing Story-

This actually happened! True healing with Viana Stibel.

–Free guided Meditations with Holly Burger!

–Prayers (Free! A few gifts for you from Holly’s little Pocket Prayer Book.)

Read articles from Holly’s Lightworkers Alliance blog


Feeling Stressed? Read this…

My book Divine Accordance is a 300-page, completely thorough resource for how I healed and opened to receive communication from my guides. But I don’t want you to suffer, so here are some tried and true things you can do to make life feel better:

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Divine Accordance Book Give-Away!!!

Hello Friends, Goodreads.com is hosting a give-away for me! I hope you will enter to win. Thank you, giving is so fun. <3 Many blessings to you, Holly Goodreads Book Giveaway Divine Accordance by Holly Burger Giveaway ends June 04, 2017. See the giveaway details at...

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When Planets are in Retrograde You Can Prevail!

Find a chair in your ethereal library, sit and ask for what you want. Ground, let your Divine Knowledge flow through you and into Earth. You are here to heal things. Things like you, and Earth, and the multitudes of wrong. Give your Light and love to Gaia. Be the Lightworker you were born to be and through that dedication you will find that Mercury is a reminder to be thoughtful instead of a threat of disaster.

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Spiritually Managing Political Views

-Negativity is its own breakfast. -Loving one and other has a much higher impact than hating. You may hate an action, but be careful where you place the weapon of hate. It is like housing a skunk, the stench remains long after the animal has vacated.

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Divinely Published, Part One

I just published Divine Accordance E-Book. After working on it for TEN YEARS. Or fourteen years, if you count channeling all the prayers.

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Valentine’s Day, What is it?

Everything resides within you. And no matter who or how someone loves you, it is the integrity of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within you that holds the true power to love.

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Read articles from Holly’s Raw & Real blog


Why Don’t My Guides Know What I Want?

Your guides do know you, and they do love you. However, their goals are aligned with your highest and best good. That means your mind won’t create anything that lowers your frequency or divides you from your Light.

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Hate speech, Bullying & Prejudices

Radiating love is the first way we all can adjust. We must love ourselves, our neighbors, wrong-doers, politicians, x-spouses and all the rest of the challenging begins coming across our paths.

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Quarantine Healing

I wonder why I am so calm. I wonder why I am not tired. These are exact thoughts that I had this morning. Yesterday my husband and I went on a day long road trip in a convertible, a mental health trip. We decided to drive to the beach. It was a lovely day, not too...

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Crisis Survival (Covid-19 and Lightwork)

These inner contemplations are efforts in and of themselves. They still you and vibrate at a higher frequency. If suspicion, worry of fear guide you attempt stillness and make requests of your guides. Ask for help in releasing fear, anxiety, worry, sleeplessness. Ask to be healed and freed of negative influences. Focus and learning more about your Light.

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